The Private sector battlefield

Private sector actors see development as a battlefield. The Green Paper foresees an important role for the private sector in EU development policy. There are many opportunities, but also some huge battles, may occur on a number of fronts. 

Many inputs were mentioned during the discussion at the EUDevDays held in Brussels in November 2010 such as: access to finance, infrastructure, skills, etc. The main focus was on one of the main goals outlined in the Green Paper.

Some quotes of speakers during the Private sector development sessions were:

  • "No country has grown out of poverty by relying on FDI alone."
  • “But there is a lack of information."There is a major problem in informing SMEs about what is available and then explaining how they can deal with it”.“In Africa,there is a huge battle for raw materials (China, Libya, Europe, India)”.
  • We need a more holistic approach so that the recipient countries can look after themselves.

The full articles you can see at and choose in the menu ‘Mediacorner’ for ‘Quotes’.  


Published on 14 january 2011